Entries by Terri Maxwell

The Mindset of a Champion

I was in a fast-pitch softball playoff game in Sarasota, Florida when my father showed up drunk and proceeded to berate me in front of my teammates. At 12 years old, it was one of the most humiliating events of my life. Crumbling under the weight of the shame, I failed to get a hit […]

Enthusiastic – A Cultural Foundation

Watching the Women’s World Cup victory this month reminded me of one of our portfolio’s cultural foundations – Enthusiasm. The definition of enthusiasm is “ardent and lively interest or eagerness.” The US Women’s Soccer team displayed enthusiasm under incredible pressure, going on to win their 4th World Cup and two back-to-back championships. Being enthusiastic about […]

Find Your Passion and Discover Career Happiness

Share On Purpose is committed to aligning employees with work they find meaningful. We believe that starts by identifying one’s purpose. Stephanie Renna, Senior Talent Manager at Share on Purpose, describes the experience of finding her purpose as an awakening.  “At first I struggled to find the right words. Like many others who go through […]

The Million Dollar Education

Share On Purpose is now a place of possibilities, but building this company was not easy. It was a lesson in perseverance through some very difficult times to ultimately find success. I’d like to think of the early formation of Share On Purpose as a “million-dollar education” rather than a mistake, but at the time […]

Collaborating to Win

Be honest, do you ever take on too much? Too often we try to accomplish everything ourselves and end up taking on more responsibility than is necessary. As a serial entrepreneur, and a leader of aspiring executives who are also entrepreneurial, breaking the habit of trying to “go it alone” has been paramount. Leaders who […]

Abundance in 2019

Do you ever feel there’s something missing in your life? Maybe you aren’t fulfilled by your current role, or you’ve dreamt of a position you fear you aren’t qualified for.  Or maybe you desire stronger relationships, more travel or better health. Sound familiar? Share On Purpose hires great people who do great things, and not […]

Measuring What Matters: Achieving Client & Career Success

Share On Purpose not only launches and develops brands, but also trains employees to work in, and eventually run these companies. Within Share On Purpose’s innovative suite of businesses, there are two Authentic Demand GenerationTMcompanies; Promote On Purpose and IGNITE On Purpose. As the largest businesses in the portfolio, they often serve as the first step […]