Top 5 Skills to Accelerate Your Career
There are MILLIONS of career choices to navigate today. And lots…

The New World of Work: How Virtual and Flexible Schedules Boost Productivity and Well-Being
In late 2012, Share On Purpose CEO Terri Maxwell coauthored the…

How Do Conscious Leaders Handle Uncertainty and Risk?
After a few challenging years globally, the world around us still…

What IS a Better Career Anyway?
If you found this blog title interesting, you’ve probably thought…

The Truth Behind Common Career Myths
Do you feel stuck in a job you don’t like? We often make up…

Are You Considering a New Career Due to the Pandemic?
The pandemic has had a significant impact on each of our lives.…

Understanding How You Like to Work
For a truly meaningful career, you need to answer a few questions.

The Million Dollar Education
Share On Purpose is now a place of possibilities, but building…