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Perseverance: The Key to Career Success

The ability to persevere through challenges and obstacles is the key to career success. However, in many cases, it is easier said than done. So, what stops us?

Fear is the number one thing that keeps us from having what we want.

Now I’m not talking about the kind of fear that keeps us from walking down a dark alley in the middle of the night. What I’m referring to are the fears that keep us from living, growing, achieving – such as fear of failure, fear of judgment, fear about the opinions of others, and for many even the fear of success.

As a result of this irrational fear, we convince ourselves that there is nothing we can do to improve our situation, e.g. that we don’t have what we need, we aren’t smart enough, or it’s too risky. So, we don’t do anything and accept where we are.

The truth is: when we really want something, there is always a way to overcome fear.

Truly successful people have two things in common:

They believe in a dream, vision, or goal

They believe in this so much that they will do ANYTHING to reach it. As a result, they tap into the invisible and unlimited power of perseverance. Perseverance is inside each of us, but only a few choose to access it. Successful people harness the power of perseverance by simply refusing to quit. This is easier than you might think. Those who achieve their dreams DECIDE that failure is not an option and, as a result, they persevere.

The second thing successful people do is face each fear head-on

They call the fear out from the dark recesses of the subconscious mind. By naming a fear and facing it, we shine a light on our innate ability to overcome that which we fear.

How to Push through the Fear

We don’t always recognize what it is that is holding us back, which is why so many tend to settle for less than what they’re worth. We all have fears. Some we might be aware of and some we might not. To recognize fear and face it head-on, the process works like this:

DECIDE on a dream or goal

The biggest issue with fear is that we don’t decide what we want.

FEEL the fear

When you think about your dream or goal, you WILL feel fear. This does not mean that you won’t get it, rather it means that you’re afraid you won’t. Do not let this fear dissuade you.

FACE the fear

In order to grow, we simply have to face the fear. Look at it, feel it, make it conscious; bring it into your awareness.

ACCESS perseverance

When we face the fear, we are able to access the power of perseverance to PUSH through fear and resistance. Just search your body for the feeling of perseverance (it will feel the exact opposite of fear).

The key is to PUSH through fear. Name it. Move forward in spite of how it feels (because it doesn’t feel good at first). Decide that failure is not an option. Once you do this, you’ll quickly feel the energetic sensation of perseverance. As you use that energy, you will find yourself growing, and then your ability to face the fear grows with it.

So, are you ready to face that fear today?

If fear is stopping you from taking the next leap in your career, now is the time to push through. Join a company that is committed to your professional and personal growth. Learn about our available positions here.

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